FRAUD ALERT: Scammers are contacting members falsifying that they are Orlando Credit Union. Orlando Credit Union would NEVER call, email, or text ANYONE seeking personal information such as an Account PIN, Password, or a Social Security Number. Check that website & online banking contain "" before entering credentials. If asked to verify personal information, hang up or delete any messages immediately. Learn more
FRAUD ALERT: Orlando Credit Union would NEVER call, email, or text seeking personal information such as an Account PIN, Password, or a Social Security Number. Check that website & online banking contain "" before entering credentials. If asked to verify personal information, hang up or delete any messages immediately. Learn more
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Financial Education

It’s Never Too Early or Too Late to Improve Your Financial Knowledge

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GreenPath is a nonprofit company that equips people with knowledge and tools to lead financially healthy lives.

  • Receive spending and money management advice.
  • Create a debt management plan to aid with credit card debt.
  • Get assistance with pre-purchase homebuyer preparation, reverse mortgage counseling and foreclosure prevention.
  • Have your credit report reviewed and learn how to dispute inaccurate information.
  • Avoid bankruptcy by having a certified financial counselor review your financial situation and make recommendations.
  • Evaluate your student loan repayment options with a financial counselor.
  • Take interactive lessons on financial topics to improve your financial literacy.

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Practical Money Skills

Access free, award-winning educational resources that help teach basic financial literacy, presented by our partners at Visa®.

  • Practical Money Skills has empowered millions of consumers, educators, parents and students to take control of their finances.
  • Learn using personal finance articles and games.
  • Educators can find lesson plans that help students from pre-K through college.
  • Available in 19 languages.

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Orlando Credit Union

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